• Somatic Experiencing For Complex Trauma: Addressing The Effects Of Prolonged Stress

    And Adversity

  • This article originally appeared on trans4mind.com


    The moment we experience trauma, it creates deep impacts on our lives, which in turn, reorganizes the way we think, we feel, and the way we relate to the universe. The suffering caused by protracted stressors or hardship, such as constant maltreatment or severe life troubles, can be aggravated drastically. Although counseling is effective in some cases, it might not be completely effective in dealing with the residual traces of trauma.


    In these cases, Somatic Experiencing (developed by Dr. Peter Levine) is utilized to provide unique treatment to the patients. By focusing on the body's sensations to treat trauma, it helps those who survive something that not only haunts their minds but also their bodies.


    Understanding Complex Trauma


    Complex trauma occurs when people face difficult situations that don't have easy solutions and quick escapes. Persons who have been subjected to chronic abuse, neglect, or prolonged conflict are likely to be prone to this type of trauma. The symptoms may include constant anxiety or feeling stuck, having no hope, or body pain without knowing the reason. Such experiences are routine for many people, hence it can be difficult to tell if they are warning signs of trauma.


    The Significance of Somatic Experiencing Trauma Counseling


    Somatic experiencing (SE) is a type of trauma therapy that focuses on the body's role in healing. In contrast to conventional therapies that mainly focus on discussing experiences, SE operates on physical sensations. These feelings come from our body as a form of communication, telling the stories of our unresolved traumas. Through awareness of these signs during trauma counseling, somatic experiencing helps to release the tension and pain in the body and the mind.


    How Somatic Experiencing Works


    In somatic experiencing trauma therapy, the counselor guides you to focus on your bodily sensations. By way of an illustration, if remembering a traumatic event makes you feel like your heart is racing and your hands are shaking, your therapist will help you notice these reactions without overwhelming yourself. The process includes relaxed questioning and feedback, enabling you to understand these feelings and experience them at a comfortable speed. The purpose is not to relive the trauma but to feel these bodily sensations as temporary and controllable—that way, the impact will be reduced.


    At therapy sessions, patients learn how to recognize and control their bodies' responses to stress triggers. This could be breathing exercises, movement, or any other physical activities that help people to be aware of their breathing and control it. The therapist's job is to help you build a secure place in which you can get rid of the trauma accumulated in the body.


    Advantages of Somatic Experiencing for Chronic Stress


    Somatic experiencing has a number of advantages for individuals suffering from complex trauma. To start with, it reduces the physical symptoms of trauma: for example, tension, tiredness, and irritability. By paying attention to the body's sensations and learning how to deal with them, patients usually find that they experience a significant reduction in stress.


    Besides, SE helps to develop a stronger mental-physical bond that results in higher emotional control and self-awareness. People say they feel more connected and in the moment, which is important for those who have struggled with feeling separate or distant from their lives.




    It is possible for complex trauma to make you experience being stuck in your own body, but you can be healed. Somatic experiencing trauma counseling is a way that not only the mind but also the body participates. This way of recovery is "complete." This therapy strives to reconnect you with yourself, and it diminishes the residual impact of previous trauma.


    In case you or a relative suffered from the consequences of long-term stress, explore somatic experiencing. This is a holistic approach to healing that deals with the whole person and not just the symptoms.